Top 10 Most Powerful Versions of Doctor Strange

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Welcome to our countdown of the top 10 most powerful versions of Doctor Strange. We’ll be looking at different variants of the legendary sorcerer from TV, comics, and beyond Marvel comics to highlight the true powerhouses. Who would win in a fight: Doctor Strange, John Constantine, or Doctor Fate? Let us know your pick in the comments!

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10. Soldier Supreme

If you fused the strength of Captain America with the magic of Doctor Strange, you’d get Soldier Supreme. He first appeared in Warp World, a reality created by the Infinity Stones to make hero hybrids. In this dimension, the man known as Steven Rogers unknowingly volunteered to be enhanced by magic instead of science for the army. Eventually, he became a super strong tactician who could also rely on magic trickery. This Soldier Supreme further sharpened his skills after spending decades in the dark dimension battling demons. Between his strength and experience, this magical soldier was a formidable warrior.

9. Sir Stephen Strange

In the Marvel 1602 comic series, Stephen Strange was captured and enslaved at a young age but earned his freedom after mastering the mystic arts. He used his magical skills to aid other heroes and his medical knowledge to help Queen Elizabeth I. What made this Stephen Strange particularly notable was his communication while astral projecting. At one point, he had an extended conversation with the cosmic and vastly knowledgeable Watcher. Although this Strange didn’t live to fight in many epic battles, the forbidden secrets he held helped convince the Watchers to preserve his world in a tiny space after his death. He essentially kept a whole universe alive with words alone.

8. Sorcerer Extreme

After being bitten by vampires in one reality, the soul of Stephen Strange decided to latch onto the Punisher. In order to pay the body rent, the sorcerer lent his magical power to Frank Castle. This mystical anti-hero could naturally conjure a ton of useful spells, combined with the ferocity and military experience the original Strange never had. He was able to wipe out corrupted versions of Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, and even the Hulk with little effort. Although Strange would later hitch a ride with Wolverine, we’ll never forget the time he made the Punisher magical.

7. Disciple of Dormammu

A 1979 issue of the imaginative “What If?” comics showed us what would happen if Doctor Strange turned to the dark side. After a horrible accident, he sought alternative ways to cure his hands. Instead of finding support from the Ancient One, Dormammu influenced Baron Mordo to take Strange under his wings. Strange slayed Mordo and became Dormammu’s most powerful minion. This version of Strange was formidable enough to brush aside a group of sorcerers and the Ancient One with barely any effort. After being betrayed by Dormammu and trapped at the center of a cosmic battle, the doctor became even more powerful and decided to use his vast abilities to help others.

6. Strange Thing

Ever wondered what a combination of Doctor Strange and Man-Thing would look like? In the 1999 “Mutant X Annual,” Doctor Strange of Earth-1298 removed the Man-Thing curse from Ted Sallis, only to get it himself. This unfortunate mishap granted him extra abilities, including Man-Thing’s incredible strength, resistance to physical attacks, regenerative plant body, and more. This swampy Strange was chosen to protect the cross-dimensional place known as the Nexus of Realities, making him a terrifying force with the potential to impact multiple worlds.

5. Sheriff Strange

This character isn’t just a version of the popular sorcerer who wears a cowboy hat. After Doctor Doom used the mighty Beyonders to conquer and remake the world, he made Strange his right hand. The sorcerer had enough might to alter the memories of everyone in this new Battleworld Earth. During a tense battle, he was able to send tremendous characters like Thanos and Black Panther away with ease. Outside of his own abilities, Sheriff Strange also presided over teams of extremely heavy hitters, including a whole battalion of warriors that each had the power of Thor. Few Stranges can say they had both magical skills and such an impressive army behind them.

4. Black Priest Strange

When everyone was trying to prevent multiversal Earths from colliding, Strange reached out to the Black Priests. Each of these multi-dimensional beings could typically only speak one word, which could unleash a spell affecting an entire universe. However, Strange could channel his inner Iceman with cryokinesis and unleash dangerous firepowers. In theory, he could have learned how to use these abilities to destroy entire Earths. The teachings of the Black Priests gave him a huge boost in power, making him a formidable force in the multiverse.

3. Asgardian God

While Loki was using trickery to become Sorcerer Supreme on Earth, a desperate Strange went to Asgard to gain new power. He found the mythical world tree known as Yggdrasil, which granted him a staff made of its wood that bestowed god-like power. While holding this Asgardian accessory, Strange was able to transform a hellish dimension in seconds and push back a villain that could easily destroy Earth. Although the staff can strain his body, it’s safe to bet Strange will win whenever he wields this godly staff.

2. Strange Supreme

An animated episode of “What If?” focused on a grieving Strange trying to gain the power to alter the timeline and save his girlfriend Christine. He spent centuries absorbing magical critters to boost his power to an absurd level. Once Strange Supreme felt formidable enough, he beat and absorbed another version of himself to command even more strength. The sorcerer showcased his immense power when he fought a version of Ultron with all the Infinity Stones. Strange Supreme redirected an energy blast capable of destroying a planet into a ball that he swallowed, protecting a team of heroes at the same time. His sinister journey clearly paid off.

1. Doctor Strangefate

The Amalgam Universe was created by letting the Marvel and DC comic universes collide for an epic event. During this crossover, fans were introduced to the impossibly strong Doctor Strangefate. This character came into being after the powerful telepathic mutant known as Charles Xavier put on the mystical Helmet of Fate. Without the helmet, he was a genius who could play mind games with the mightiest foes. With the golden accessory, he had the knowledge of a wide range of spells that could bring many opponents to their knees. Although Doctor Strangefate claimed he might be weak against scientific enemies, it was a minor weakness for such a ridiculously powerful sorcerer.

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