How Wolverine Survives the Impossible and How He Can Be Killed

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Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Wolverine is one of the coolest superheroes in the Marvel Universe. He has sharp claws, a bright yellow suit, and can heal from almost any injury. It seems like nothing can stop him! But, have you ever wondered what the craziest things he’s survived are? And how, if ever, Wolverine can actually be killed?

Let’s explore some of Wolverine’s wildest survival stories and the few ways he has been defeated.

Wolverine Gets Eaten by The Hulk—and Survives!

2009's Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1
Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Wolverine and the Hulk have been fighting each other for a long time. In one of the weirdest stories, the Hulk actually eats Wolverine during a comic called Old Man Logan. But here’s the crazy part: Wolverine wasn’t done for! His super healing powers helped him regrow inside the Hulk’s body. He then cut his way out of the Hulk, proving he can even survive being swallowed whole. Gross, right? But amazing!

Wolverine Survives an Atomic Bomb

wolverine blast

In another insane story, Wolverine survived being at the center of an atomic bomb explosion. This happened in a comic called Venom (Vol. 1, Issue #8). Wolverine was right where the bomb exploded, but his adamantium (a super-strong metal) skeleton stayed intact. Because his healing powers are so strong, his body regrew from his bones, and he walked away, alive!

Wolverine’s healing is so powerful that even if just a drop of his blood is left, he can regrow his whole body.

Wolverine Fights the Angel of Death

Wolverine (Issue #48)
Image Credit: Marvel Comics

One of the strangest Wolverine stories involves him fighting an actual angel. In Wolverine (Issue #48), Wolverine almost dies from a huge explosion. He meets Azrael, the Angel of Death, who challenges him to a fight. If Wolverine wins, he can come back to life. This explains why Wolverine has been able to return from the dead many times—he keeps fighting his way back!

Surviving the Sun with Jean Grey’s Help

x-men wolverine jean-sun die
Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Wolverine and Jean Grey were once stuck on a spaceship headed straight for the Sun! When they crashed, the Sun’s heat burned Wolverine’s skin off. It almost killed him, but Jean Grey, using her Phoenix powers, saved him just in time. If it wasn’t for her, even Wolverine’s healing powers might not have been enough.

Can Wolverine Be Killed? Yes, But It’s Really Hard

Even though Wolverine seems unbeatable, there are ways he can die. Here are some examples:

  1. Old Age: Wolverine ages very slowly, but he does get older. Over time, his healing powers get weaker. In the comic Old Man Logan and the movie Logan, we learn that the metal inside his body (adamantium) is slowly poisoning him. His healing powers can’t keep up, and eventually, he dies of old age.
  2. Drowning: Wolverine has said he’s afraid of drowning. Since his adamantium skeleton is so heavy, he would sink if he passed out in water. If this happened, his body would keep healing, but he would drown over and over again, never being able to escape.
  3. Infections: In a story about zombies, Wolverine is bitten by a zombie and infected with a virus that even his healing powers can’t stop. He turns into a zombie himself, showing that certain infections can defeat him.
  4. Covered in Liquid Metal: In one of his most famous deaths, Wolverine is covered in hot, liquid metal. The metal hardens around him, trapping him and stopping him from breathing. He can’t heal fast enough to escape, and this is one of the ways he dies.
  5. Losing His Soul: Wolverine once lost a fight with the Angel of Death. This meant that his body healed, but his soul was gone. Even though he was technically alive, Wolverine was no longer himself, since his soul had left.

Conclusion: Wolverine is Almost Unstoppable

Wolverine has survived things that no one else could—being eaten, atomic bombs, and even the Sun! However, even though he’s incredibly tough, he can still be killed in certain ways. Drowning, old age, and some rare infections are just a few examples.

What do you think? Which of Wolverine’s survival stories do you find the most amazing? Let us know your thoughts!

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