Black Adam vs. Superman: The Ultimate Showdown – Who Reigns Supreme?

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Black Adam is the most powerful man on Earth. But what if he had to face someone not from around here? Someone not from Earth? Can Black Adam change the power hierarchy in the DCEU? Can he really beat Superman in a fight? Let’s figure that out.

Black Adam Superman

The Power of Black Adam

Teth Adam, better known as Black Adam, is the former champion of the wizard Shazam and the Council of Wizards. Bestowed with the powers of the Egyptian gods, he freed his people from the former king of Kahndaq and became its ruler. However, his brutal methods led to his imprisonment for 5,000 years until he was released to save Kahndaq once again.

Black Adam possesses the powers of six Egyptian gods: Shu, Horus, Amun, Zehuti, Aton, and Mehen. His strength, durability, speed, and lightning are particularly noteworthy.

Strength and Durability

Black Adam’s strength is immense. He can effortlessly kill anyone in his path, sending them flying miles away or ripping apart vehicles. One of his most impressive feats is catching a gigantic statue, easily holding it over his head. This statue is comparable in size to the Washington Monument, weighing between 80,000 to 100,000 tons.

In terms of durability, Black Adam is incredibly tough. He can withstand explosions without flinching and is completely bulletproof, with even heavy machine gun fire bouncing off his face. He can take attacks from Hawkman’s metal weapons and briefly withstand a punch from Atom Smasher. Only magical Eternium energy consistently injures him, but he can heal these injuries with his lightning.

Speed and Lightning

Black Adam is shockingly fast, possibly on par with The Flash or Superman. He can fly at incredible speeds, leave afterimages, catch bullets, and redirect rockets. In one scene, he sees the world in slow motion, taking down enemies while an explosion freezes behind him. He can humiliate Hawkman with his speed, intercept bullets at close range, and travel from Russia to the Middle East in seconds, creating a sonic boom in the process.

Black Adam frequently uses his lightning, firing bolts that can disintegrate a person, blow holes through mountains, and vaporize rock. His most impressive displays occur when his rage causes him to lose control, creating massive explosions. For instance, his first explosion ravaged an ancient palace, his second destroyed an Intergang mine, and his third sent a mountain-sized tower of water and ice into the sky.

The Power of Superman

Krypton is dying, and Jor-El and Lara send their son, Kal-El, to Earth. Raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent, he becomes Clark Kent, also known as Superman, the world’s greatest hero. Thanks to Earth’s yellow sun, Superman gains god-like powers, becoming the most powerful member of the Justice League.

Strength and Durability

Superman has performed many impressive feats, but his best showing is shifting a tectonic plate to prevent an earthquake. This requires 10 teratons of force, translating to country-level strength. He has sent General Zod flying into outer space, and in his fight against Doomsday, he took a nuclear bomb to the face and quickly recovered. Superman also destroyed the World Engine, a Kryptonian terraforming machine, while weakened and standing under a gravity beam.

Speed and Other Powers

Superman is incredibly fast, often scaling directly to The Flash. He can fly at super speeds and has various other powers, including freeze breath, hypersonic scream, and heat vision. His heat vision can slice through metal and blow stuff up, reaching temperatures hotter than 3.5 million Kelvin.

The Showdown: Black Adam vs. Superman

Who wins between Black Adam and Superman? Both are portrayed as equals, recognizing each other’s world-destroying power. However, Superman is still the stronger of the two. Shifting a tectonic plate puts him at a level far beyond catching a massive statue.

In terms of speed, at best, they are equals. Superman directly scales to The Flash, the fastest man alive. It’s hard to say Black Adam is faster.

Black Adam has better energy powers, with his lightning being more versatile and frequently used than Superman’s heat vision. He also has no problem killing, using lethal force more readily than Superman.

The question boils down to whether Superman’s supposed weakness to magic comes into play. In the DCEU, there is no concrete evidence of this weakness. We’ve seen Superman injure magical beings like Wonder Woman, and Black Adam’s durability, while impressive, doesn’t seem invincible.

Ultimately, Superman’s strength, durability, and speed give him the edge. Black Adam’s lightning and savagery will do damage, but Superman remains the more powerful of the two.


Superman wins this showdown. But what do you think? Share your thoughts and feelings in the comments below. Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed this post, subscribe for more content like this every week.

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