Deadpool vs Wolverine: Who Has the Superior Healing Factor?

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Deadpool and Wolverine are out now, and since both these heroes have amazing healing factors that lead to some awesome fights, let’s try and answer the ultimate question: which one actually has the better, more powerful healing factor—Wolverine or Deadpool? Let’s get into it.

Dp And Wolvarine
Image Credit: youraiart on DeviantArt

Incredible Healing Factors

First, let’s make one thing clear: both of these guys have incredible healing factors. They both come back from death itself over and over again. It’s also very clear that the primary driving force behind how their healing factors work is the plot, not necessarily the healing factors themselves. The rate at which they can heal is never really consistent. Sometimes Wolverine heals from an injury in just a few minutes, while other times the same injury might take him a whole day or more to recover from.

Wolverine’s Healing Factor

Wolverine’s skeleton is covered entirely in adamantium, which means that he literally can’t be cut or torn apart—and trust me, plenty of people have tried. This also greatly increases his durability. Wolverine has been kicked clean around the world and been just fine. He’s taken punches and attacks from some of the strongest beings on Earth, ranging from Hulk to Thor, and he’s been just fine. He can take bullets with no problem; it doesn’t even phase him. He\’s able to keep on fighting while being all stabbed up or turned into a pin cushion. It doesn’t really do much to him.

Wolverine has kept on fighting after having his heart destroyed on multiple occasions. He can heal and come back from literal disintegration. He’s even survived nuclear bombs several times over. Wolverine is nearly impossible to put down. He might be injured, but Logan is always going to heal from it and come back, no matter what.

Deadpool’s Healing Factor

The exact same thing applies to Deadpool. It’s hard to say if Deadpool actually has superhuman durability; basically, any attack that injures you will probably injure him to some degree. But it doesn’t matter because of his healing factor. Deadpool’s healing factor is one of the best in comics. It can pretty much instantly heal from any attack that comes his way. He can regenerate missing limbs or organs or any part of his body.

Deadpool can even heal himself from what looks like just a puddle on the ground. He can reattach his body parts, even his head, to keep on going and fighting. Deadpool regularly comes back from death itself. Attacks that definitely should have killed him just don’t. He heals from them again and again. Deadpool is basically unstoppable.

Dp And Logan
Image Credit: Axel-Droga on DeviantArt

Comparing Their Healing Factors

Both Wolverine and Deadpool can regrow limbs. Of course, Deadpool does this a whole lot more often because he doesn’t have an adamantium skeleton making it basically impossible to lose limbs in the first place. But Wolverine can regrow limbs, too, and always seems to return.

Wolverine has survived having all that adamantium forcibly removed by Magneto and survived having it put back on. He’s survived nukes several times over. He survived an explosion from Nitro at point-blank range, where he was just a skeleton. Logan regenerated himself from a single drop of blood.

But none of this definitively puts Wolverine over Deadpool. Deadpool can do all the same stuff and make it look easy. Deadpool has returned from being frozen in ice and then shattered into a million pieces. Punisher once cut Deadpool into different pieces and stored those pieces in different vibranium containers. Deadpool still came back. He’s come back from being a puddle on the ground. He’s been hit by a lightning bolt from Thor and turned into a pile of ash, but he still came back. He even healed himself and his mind after staring into a literal hole in reality.

The Difference: Adamantium and Cancer

The key difference between Wolverine and Deadpool’s healing factors is Wolverine\’s adamantium and Deadpool’s cancer. Wolverine’s healing factor is constantly fighting against the foreign element of adamantium in his body, which hampers his healing. Deadpool, on the other hand, has cancer baked into his healing factor from the start. His body replaces dead cells with dying cells, creating a never-ending cycle. This makes Deadpool’s healing factor work at a much faster rate than Wolverine’s.


So, who has the better healing factor? It’s Deadpool. Both of them can survive just about anything, but based on how their healing factors work, Deadpool gets the slight edge. He’s got one of the best healing factors in comics. But what do you think? Sound off in the comments below!

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